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12 May 2022

I was given the opportunity to take on my first ever research project in the Laboratory of Microbial Biofilms. Through this project, I’ve learned a lot about scientific research, biofilms, and myself, with the guidance and support of Dr Ch’ng. From the beginning of the project, he encouraged me to ask questions, share my thoughts, and gave me ownership of this project. While this was challenging, it helped to shape the way I think – not just as a researcher, but also learning to manage the project timeline and think about practicality. I never once felt like the project was not mine to pursue, which made the journey much more meaningful and enjoyable. It was daunting at first, but Dr Ch’ng was always patient and understanding, having high standards but realistic expectations. This encouraged me to learn from my mistakes rather than feel pressured by results and made my experience a positive and fun one despite having no prior experience in scientific research. Of course, ample help and advice were always granted when needed, and I felt supported at every step of the way.

There were many opportunities for me to learn and grow throughout this journey. One example is being tasked to write a research proposal and my own protocols. Though this arguably meant more work to do than some of my peers in other labs, it was crucial in helping me understand all aspects of my project and learn about other works in the field, which I appreciated as someone who came into the lab knowing close to nothing.

For the first time in my university education, I was also presented with unexpected uncertainty in this project. Being someone who plans and executes every detail accordingly, this was somewhat disheartening and frustrating. However, Dr Ch’ng emphasized that it is the reality of science – that things don’t always work out in our favor, and we learn to find other ways to move forward. Learning to overcome these difficulties and make decisions had not only challenged and stretched me, but also helped me build confidence in myself.

The lab also has a vibrant and friendly culture – we all learn from each other, look out for one another, and extend words of encouragement! I am also very heartened and inspired by the hard work and passion of others in the lab, especially Mugil, who made every effort to support me while working on her own project. The other undergraduate students also amaze me with their perseverance and fantastic work ethic when met with setbacks.

My experience in this lab is one I will remember and cherish. I hold many fond memories of it alongside the tough times; if I were given a second chance to decide what my final year of undergraduate studies would be like, I wouldn’t trade it for the easier way out.

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