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11 Jan 2022

Hi there, I undertook an 8MC UROPS project in the Laboratory of Microbial Biofilms (LMB) in 2021 as my first research project. I want to highlight and acknowledge the active interest and involvement of Dr Junhong and Mugil in their students’ learning and wellbeing. Overall, I have gained an invaluable experience of a taste of the research industry. The journey was definitely not easy. It was riddled with countless disappointments from undesirable results despite enervating troubleshooting. However, it is through these setbacks that I was taught and trained in the way of inquisitiveness, tenacity, and perseverance – necessary qualities of a researcher
When I was first introduced to the lab, I was amazed by its heartwarming culture which encourages open communication between lab members and the PI – which I would say is a distinctive characteristic of LMB. I was next tasked to write my first ever project proposal (and I had barely done any literature review before). Despite being a busy academic, Dr. Junhong introduced me to some resources to ease literature review citations. He also perused all of my proposal drafts in detail and challenged my proposed content with follow-up questions to help me to think more inquisitively. Compared to my peers doing UROPS in other labs, I found myself struggling to have to write a project proposal and sit in and present my results in fortnightly lab meetings. It was only on hindsight that I recognized that these additional things that I had to do prepared me in understanding my project and communicating my results. Lab meetings were extremely helpful in obtaining feedback on how I should best analyze my results and present them in my report, albeit being slightly dreadful. Dr Junhong has always emphasized on taking ownership and responsibility of our projects and has always given us the autonomy to decide on the direction of our project.
My lab work was supervised by my mentor, Mugil, who generously took the time to bring me through all the safety protocols and taught me how to conduct experiments relevant to my project. Mugil is someone passionate for research, and I am inspired and evermore grateful for all the times she has voluntarily stayed back till late for me to finish up my experiments despite her busy night schedule. In my distress from disappointing results, Mugil will always be there to advise me on follow-up steps to take and explain to me confusing concepts relevant to my project.
I am only a UROPS student, but Dr Junhong, Mugil, and the FYPs: Dilyn, Qing, and Zachary, took valuable hours to review my numerous final report drafts and 6 versions of my final presentation. Taking reference from my peers from other laboratories, I believe that this lab has prepared me extensively in report writing and presentation skills, which the fruits of this extensive preparation were shown through my actualized confidence during my final presentation and QnA.
This 1-year spent at LMB was a tough but fulfilling time of learning from past mistakes and failures. Thank you to all LMB members who have guided me and taught me various things during this period of time! :D

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