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Ashley How

18 Dec 2023

As aptly put by the examiners during my project presentation, my UROPS journey serves as a cautionary tale for all seeking to pursue research in the microbiology realm. Coupled with my relative inexperience in a formal laboratory setting, and the seeming spontaneity and unpredictability of successful results, I was not able to fulfil the project objectives I had set out to do. Due to the short timeframe afforded to UROPS projects and numerous setbacks along the way that compounded delays, I was not able to see the project to the end. Nevertheless, the experience I had, the lessons I learnt and transferable skills I acquired are immensely valuable. I am incredibly grateful to have been given this opportunity to gain insight into what research really is.


In the intricate landscape of a microbiology laboratory, the imperative of meticulous precision and thoroughness of process is something one cannot simply ignore. As I navigated the delicate protocols and nuanced techniques inherent to microbiological experiments, I developed a profound appreciation for accuracy and attention to detail. The smallest deviation from established procedures can have cascading effects on results, further emphasising the significance of careful planning and meticulous execution. Although in the beginning I was unfamiliar with the protocols and procedures, through the iterative process of conducting experiments, analysing data, and reflecting on possible alternate approaches for the next iteration, I honed the art of precision, ensuring that each step was executed with unwavering care. By now, the fundamental techniques have become second nature and I know the steps like the back of my hand, enabling me to carry out experimental protocols with great efficiency and accuracy. Thoroughness extends beyond the experimental component and is also an instrumental part of data recording and analysis, where meticulous documentation is paramount. A key principle of the scientific method is to build on and/or challenge existing conclusions and findings, learning from the successes or mistakes of those that come before, which is precisely where comprehensive documentation comes in. In particular, not only did my project aim to complement the work of another lab member, but the extensive troubleshooting steps also benefitted from having noted down the exact actions taken previously.


Additionally, navigating setbacks becomes an indispensable lesson in perseverance. Throughout my UROPS journey, setbacks emerged as inevitable companions along the scientific journey. Initially, the challenges seemed formidable, be it a failed experiment, contamination issues, or unexpected results that we never found an explanation for. However, each setback became a pivotal point for personal and intellectual growth. The process of troubleshooting and problem-solving in the face of adversity sharpened my resilience and instilled a profound sense of determination. Instead of viewing setbacks as roadblocks, I learned to perceive them as opportunities for refinement, adjusting methodologies, and honing critical thinking skills. Through repeated instances of trial and error, I not only enhanced my technical proficiency but also cultivated a mindset that embraces challenges as stepping stones toward success. Perseverance in the microbiology lab setting transcends the immediate frustration of setbacks; it becomes a testament to the enduring spirit required for scientific inquiry.


Ultimately, this UROPS project served as my first real experience with the mechanisms and intricacies of scientific research, with its whirlwind of triumphant accomplishments and disappointing setbacks. When I first sent that email inquiring about research opportunities, I had only a vague and simplistic understanding of its reality. Now, having gone through this experience, I would say that whilst research may not be my calling, I will not be closing that door just yet and would be open to exploring this field more in the future.

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