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Grace Poh

10 June 2024

The past year in the Laboratory of Microbial Biofilms had been an eye-opening and refreshing

experience which shaped my growth tremendously — in terms of both my character and academic

pursuits. I was privileged to delve into an exploratory project which exposed me to the different facets

of what constitutes scientific investigation and research, shaping my perception of Science more than

any other academic modules I have taken throughout my undergraduate years. I was met with many

surprising findings which seem to stray from my initial hypothesis, but this experience taught me the

importance of being resilient and adaptable whenever I am faced with the unknown or unexpected.

Even as I conclude my journey now, I am very excited to see how my initial findings will help to set

the stage for further development of this project.


Although I was given full autonomy to direct and build my project, I never once felt that I was alone

throughout this research journey. I am thankful to have consistently received support and guidance (be

it research or emotional-wise) whenever I faced a roadblock. Looking back on my initial weeks, I was

a complete novice to the world of research and conducting laboratory work. My only exposure to

laboratory work was limited to a very controlled, academic environment — with preset protocols and

omission of steps spanning from preparatory phases to readout phases. This honestly worried me as I

was uncertain whether my lack of experience would hinder the progress of my project. However, this

concern was alleviated since I was well supported by Dr Ch’ng and Mugil, both of whom contributed

to building my foundation in the realm of research knowledge and skill sets with their expertise,

experiences and tips, allowing me to eventually become comfortable and confident enough to work

my way in the laboratory independently.


The regular laboratory meetings not only served as checkpoints to ensure that I was on track with the

progress of my project, but also presented me with the chance to interact and learn from other

members of the laboratory. I am also thankful that these meetings facilitated discussions and advice on

the next best step to approach my project given that my findings were more-often-than-not

unexpected. This allowed me to take on a more streamlined and time-effective strategy, especially

towards the end of my journey when time was tight.


Furthermore, I was able to develop my soft skills in written and verbal communication further with

this experience. The presentations allowed me to think from the perspective of someone new to my

project. It allowed me to think of different ways to distil my past year of findings and readings in this

field into palatable and easily understood points. The thesis then allowed me to showcase the various

schools of thought that arose as I conducted this research project and provided the perfect platform to

communicate Science in a conventional manner, well supported by literature and reinforced by my

results. Apart from allowing me to present the raw results I have synthesised, the thesis allowed me to

put on my analytical cap and bring forth possible interpretations. This allowed me to build onto my

critical thinking skills and enhanced my knowledge in a field I am interested in.


This past year has allowed me to fully appreciate the rigour and beauty of Science. It has been a

relatively short stint in the world of research but I have since grown to be more confident in my skills

as a scientifically trained individual. I am proud to have embarked on this journey — though it was

admittedly challenging, I would not want to conclude my final year of undergraduate any other way.

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